Aloko Udapadi - Light Arose

Aloko Udapadi foundation aims to guide individuals in their journey towards the supreme bliss of Enlightenment. The guidance to ‘Nibbana’ by the foundation is performed by means of discussions of the pure Dhamma and in depth ‘Vippasana’ meditations with one main goal – to end the Samsara chains of all suffering, by ceasing the cycles of birth.

Following in the footsteps of Sri Gauthama Sammasam Buddha, his most precise teachings of the Theravada Buddhism, which enlightens all living beings in all different worlds. Aloko Udapadi foundation with the fellowship of all ‘Kalyana Mittrayan’ - ‘Friends in Dhamma’, strives with dedication, pations, and commitment to mark the words of…

Wisdom . Reflection . Realization

………Light Arose………

Vimuththa Therani

"Knowledge gained brings you reflection…
Reflection on life, brings you wisdom…
Wisdom brings you realization…
Realization brings you, Enlightenment…"

by Buddhini Vimuththa Therani

In search of you

Entangled in a dream, In search of a ‘you’
Life after life… we search for something new.
Realizations with time… will grow in mind…
Life after life…
it was never about, been ‘you’

by Buddhini Vimuththa Therani

wdf,daflda WomdÈ

ys;j;a odhl odhsldjks
wdf,daflda WomdÈ moku u.ska mj;ajk O¾u foaYkd iy l¾uia:dk Ndjkd jevigyka iïnkaO úia;r oek .ekSug;a ta i|yd iyNd.S úug;a iy tu jevigyka myiqfjka Tnf.a ÿrl:kh u.ska vjqkaf,daâ lr kerôsug oeka Tng wjia:dj we;
. ta ioyd Tn l, hq;af;a my; ioyka wdldrfhka wm iu. odhl ùuhs

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Aloko Udapadi